Friday, December 10, 2010
Fun Getaway!
Friday, December 3, 2010
December To Do List 2010
Tay had a Christmas To Do List, so I wanted to have one too!
This December I plan to:
-take Christmas card photos and send out cards
-Run a December 5k (have one set up to run with a cousin in Boca Raton)
-quick trip to Tampa/Orlando for some holiday fun
-train ride
-Christmas shopping with Mark
-Christmas shopping with Mom
-red and green meal with kids
-keep up with our advent boxes
-Christmas cantata
-Make one homemade gift
-Drive Thru Nativity
I love this time of year and don't feel like the busy-ness takes over. I want my kids to always remember the fun stuff we plan and do for them, but most importantly the reason for this season.
I didn't want to post without some pictures.
Here is Mammaw with some of her favorite great grandkids. Her other favorites are the ones not pictured. :)
Last Sunday we went to Hod Rod Chili Drive In at the Diplomat Wesleyan Church. We were invited by Grandpa and Grandma D. We had fun looking at the old cars, playing games, face painting, free food and good fellowship.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Turkey Trot 2010
I ran with Jenna, Kelly, Kelly and Tanya. It was such a nice way to start off Thanksgiving day. I am thankful for each of these good friends and so glad to have them as part of my life.
A cheering section is very important. I love starting off a fun and hearing, "Go Mommy!" My mom is always very supportive and loves to come cheer us on. The route was around my in-laws house. Two times while I was running I saw them waving and cheering. It was great! My wonderful father in law even heated up the hot tub for me to enjoy after race. It was over 100 degrees and so, so, so nice!
Emily, Sarah and Brooke in the 1 mile.
This is the start of 2nd heat of the Tot Trot. I am standing behind Ty and Logan. Ty is in his running stance. He practiced that many times to prepare for the day.
It is a little blurry, but you can still see the two cute little girls holding hands while running. Awww. (Katie and Chloe)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Katie turns 3!

Friday, September 3, 2010
catching up
We are so pleased with how school is going this year. I feel like we did a good job selecting curriculums that meet the needs of each of our kids. They are all challenged, but not overwhelemed. This is a very good thing.
Today, Emily, Sarah and I made homemade chia pets. I got the idea off of another blog. We hope they work.

We were working on the letter i, so Sarah read a book about ice cream to Ty and Katie. After that they made ice cream cones and of course ate an ice cream sandwich. Emily and Sarah each have to read a book and plan an activity to do with Ty and Katie for the week. To start I am helping them plan the activites, but eventually they will be in charge of it all.

Our 4 kiddos before church. They all love to go to Sunday School and Church. I am very thankful for the wonderful, faithful Sunday School teachers that we have at our church.

Last week we had a Geo Trax party. We invited some friends with younger children over for dinner and a good time. The adults participated in a great game of Apples to Apples. Surprisingly, the most relucatant participant won. My Dad!