Monday, February 23, 2009

Geotrax Party

Ty is quite the Geotrax fanatic. We have amassed quite a collection since his birthday in October. We bought some pieces used from Kari, found some on Craigslist, hounded the nice ladies at Once Upon a Child and faithfully checked Kohl's to combine discounts to get the newer pieces cheaper. Needless to say, it has been fun to collect geotrax.

We are lucky to have a great group of 2 and 3 year old boys at our church, so we decided to get together and have a Geotrax party. Ty was thrilled, as was Mark. (Sometimes I think it was more for Mark than Ty. :) )

Here are the party guys.
Sarah is awesome at setting up everything. She meticulously places each sign and tree in just the right spot.
Emily loves her little Ty. On a side note, Ty is finally potty trained. We were frustrated just before Christmas because he just didn't seem to care about the whole diaper thing. He was content to be a 'baby'. Our doctor said to just wait and try again in a couple of months. Last week he said he wanted to wear underwear and it is going great! Still a few accidents, but no complaints here! Emily and I were watching him running around in his underwear and she said that she is just so proud of him. I love how she loves her brother.
Mammaw and Mom stopped by to visit for a bit. Katie thought Mammaw was so funny.
Katie and Chloe enjoying the house.

Grandpa and his train loving boys.See--doesn't it look like Mark's party! I wonder what is so funny! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fun Times

I can't believe 2009 is a bit over 1/12th of the way through all ready. It seems we have already packed some much into such a short amount of time.

Last night 24 of my family members went to see a rodeo at Germain Arena. We had a good time being together.

Emily, Sarah and I had fun planning for the kids to dress up cowboy style. I think they look absolutely adorable! We bought the 3 older kids' shirts at the Thrift Store for 1.99 each.

You can't see Katie's boots very well, but they are little red boots. These were some that we bought for Emily for her 2nd birthday. (Barnyard Birthday Bash) Sarah also wore them and now it is Katie's turn.
Katie has been getting into trouble lately. She has tapped into her artistic side. I like art, but we have asked her to try finger paint rather than finger poop.

Emily, Sarah and Ty hung streamers and blew up balloons for Mark's birthday celebration. He was in Orlando on his actual birthday and we missed him so much.
We brought pizza over to Grandpa and Grandma's new house to celebrate for Grandma's birthday. The kids love to visit the house. There is so much to do and explore. Now if is would just warm up and we could swim!